At Thursday’s meeting of the Walworth County Commission, Chairman Scott Schilling read a notice of bidding and then several tracts were claimed in a county owned land lease auction.
Only one bid was received for the surplus sale of a highway department snow blower in the amount of $2682.25 and this was accepted.
The commission approved a resolution for the highway superintendent to set the overweight limits in Walworth County.
A motion to purchase culverts for 2020 by joint power agreement with True North Steel of Huron off a Beadle County bid also passed.
Several county residents affected by the high water along 300th avenue and 125th street north of highway 12 were present for an informational discussion on a proposed grade raise project. Highway Superintendent Gary Byre told the commission that with threats of litigation he is recommending the county hire an engineering firm to do a hydrology study.
Also at the meeting the board passed a motion for a budget supplement of $84,720 from the general appropriations fund to the emergency management fund as directed by legislative audit.
Commissioner Kevin Holgard reported that with the failure on house bill 1099 in the current legislative session, the jail advisory board feels they are “back to square one” on the design and plans for a jail. 1099 would have authorized counties to impose a temporary voter-approved half-cent sales and use tax and to issue revenue bonds to fund certain county infrastructure construction.
Walworth County Commission meetings are open to the public.