More than 60% of US households have responded to the 2020 Census so far.
Your voice can make a difference. We have made it easy for you to share interesting facts, true stories, and how-to guides on your social media to underscore the importance of responding to the census.
If you have not yet responded, you are strongly encouraged to do so promptly. You can respond online at — without ever having to leave home or meet with a census taker.
Check out the 2020 Census response rate map to see how many households have responded in cities and towns across the country.
Your participation in the 2020 Census is mandated by the Constitution, even if you recently completed another survey from the U.S. Census Bureau. And while you are required by law to participate, the Census Bureau is required by law to protect your answers. Your responses are used only to produce statistics, and the Census Bureau does not disclose any personal information.