Voters living in Ward II in Fort Pierre will vote tomorrow (June 30) to select one of three candidates to represent them on the city council.
Incumbent David LaRoche is being challenged by Carl Rathbun and Scott Deal. The top vote getter wins the seat.
All voting June 30 takes place at the Pat Duffy Community and Youth Involved Center in Fort Pierre from 8am-8pm Central Time. Early voting can be done now at Fort Pierre City Hall.
Last month (May 5), the Fort Pierre City Council voted to allow LaRoche to remain on the council until after the June 30 election votes are canvassed and an official winner is determined.
Ward I alderman Larry Cronin, Ward III alderman Mike Weisgram and mayor Gloria Hanson all ran unopposed.
The Fort Pierre city election had been scheduled for April 14, but was postponed until June 30 due to concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dakota Radio Group news and farm director Jody Heemstra will have results on the air as soon as they become available.