Pierre and Fort Pierre will host a new event next month for local residents and those traveling to the 80th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
Pierre Area Chamber CEO Jamie Seiner says a key component of Road to the River is having Pierre and Fort Pierre come together for a unified event between the two cities. She says a rising tide lifts all ships, and that’s what the Road to the River committee is aiming to do with this new event.
The Road to the River activities will be held outdoors, with ample space to social distance. Events include:
The Oahe Family YMCA 1st annual Road to the River Half Marathon along the Missouri River Aug. 2. You must pre-register online at https://oaheymca.org/halfmarathon/registration/ or stop by the YMCA and fill out the form. The final registration deadline is July 26.
Fort Pierre Tourism’s Fort Pierre Summer Nights Thursday, Aug. 6 from 5:30-7:30pm with a “Road to the River” theme in downtown Fort Pierre.
Aug. 7 (5:30-7:30pm) and Aug. 8 (11am-2pm) Road to the River Crazy Days on lower Pierre Street. The Historic Pierre Street Association will have outdoor family friendly activities, vendors, street dances, water activities, a dunk tank and a cornhole tournament.
Street Masters 31st annual Dam Run Aug. 7-8 with activities in Pierre and Fort Pierre including meet and greets, Gravity Drags, a Show and Shine, Poker Run and more.
In conjunction with the Road to the River event, the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce is selling merchandise designed by local artist, Nancy Gordon, to commemorate the inaugural event. Adult and youth t-shirts, unisex tank tops, a blanket, tumbler mug and a personalized towel are available for purchase on PierreArea.ShopWhereILive.com. Purchase your items before July 29, 2020, and pickup from a hosting location during Road to the River; Fort Pierre Summer Nights or Crazy Days. For an additional $6, purchases can be shipped directly to you.
Plans are subject to change depending on the COVID-19 climate at the time of the events.