Farm and ranch families who have consistently owned their land for a century or more were honored at the 2020 South Dakota State Fair, receiving a Century, Quasquicentennial or Sesquicentennial Farm and Ranch award from South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB) and the South Dakota Department of Agriculture (SDDA).
This year, 25 families were honored with the Century Farm award for 100 years of ownership; 16 were honored with the Quasquicentennial award for 125 years of family ownership; and 2 were honored with the Sesquicentennial award for 150 years of family ownership.
Since the program began honoring families in 1984, South Dakota Farm Bureau and the South Dakota Department of Agriculture have recognized over 3 thousand farm and ranch families.
More details about the program and photos of this year’s honorees can be found at involved/century-farms.
To learn more about South Dakota Farm Bureau visit
Century (100) Farm / Ranch Honorees
Carl Ashdown Hyde
Frances Behnke Marshall
Charles & Peggy Boydston Pennington
David & Sharon Bushnell Lyman
Cindy Dancler (Jan Family Farm) Charles Mix
Allen & Margaret (Youngberg) Eggers Roberts
Agnes E.L. Gross Hand
Agnes E.L. Gross
Barbara Sue Haynes Aurora
Byron & Dennis Hendrickson Hamlin
Joanne, Roger & Evan Jensen Kingsbury
Paul & Bridget Johnson Codington
Dan Kari Perkins
Eugene & Lois Kleinjan Brookings
John & Loni Kocmich Charles Mix
Jimmie Larsen Turner
William H & Diane McDaniel Haakon
Curtis & Heather (Koerner) McGuigan Lawrence
Nix Family Ranch LP Jones
Matthew & Muriel (Gade) Olson Codington
Rasmussen-Lehman 33 Ranch Mellette
Mark & Jill Rust Hamlin
Marshall & Colleen Springer – Buffalo Butte Ranch Gregory
Donald & Dianna Stotz Potter
Kerry & Paula Warkenthien Clark
Steve, Linda, Terry, Robin Wicks Lake
Quasquicentennial (125) Farm / Ranch Honorees
Avis Brandenburger Roberts
Donald & Fae Dayton Brown
Kathleen (Eickman) Piscitello McCook
Donald Erickson Marshall
Kaija Graves Brule
Larry & Linda Halse Codington
Gerald Hefner Davison
David & Marcia Johnson Brookings
Joe & Paul Nordstrom Roberts
Don & Helen (Whipple) Prater Grant
Geraldine D Purtell Charles Mix
Darlene & Mark Ripp Hutchinson
Donna Schwartz Minnehaha
Donna Webster Minnehaha
Zane L Williams Yankton
David Thyen Codington
Sesquiscentennial (150) Farm / Ranch 2020
F. Arlene DeVany Clay
Clifford, Janet & Clayton Sorum Lincoln
Clifford, Janet & Clayton Sorum Lincoln