It’s going to be a busy night of football tonight as Timber Lake will be in Bison, Lemmon McIntosh will host Dupree, Potter County will take on Hitchcock Tulare tentatively if plans haven’t changed, North Border will play in Mellette against Northwestern and the game of the week for KMLO will be Ipswich Edmunds Central at Selby taking on Herreid Selby Area. KMLO 100 point seven FM will have the call around 6:30 PM. If you would like to watch the game live then go to our website drgnews dot com, click stations, and then click KMLO and scroll down to live video. The undefeated Mobridge Pollock Tiger Football Team will travel to Redfield tonight to take on the Pheasants. If you can’t make it to the game in person then tune it in on Star 99, 99 point five FM or on your smart TV or computer go to drgnews dot com, click stations, then click Star 99 and scroll down to live video.
Mobridge Sports
Oct 9, 2020 | 6:36 AM