In a regular meeting Tuesday, the Walworth County Commissioners passed a motion to eliminate the position of Highway Foreman in the Highway Department. They then passed a motion to offer Marty Hook reassignment as an operator at his old wage before he took the foreman position.
A motion was passed to remove the burn ban in Walworth County.
Two motions failed for lack of a second – one to retain Leap Chear with E.A.P.C. for further work on a new jail concept; and the other was a motion to retain Brad Hompe as a jail consultant.
The commissioners passed a motion to retain six employees plus two part-timers to be the jail transportation team. They also passed a motion to continue employment status of non-transport employees to November 2nd for insurance purposes.
Commissioner Kevin Holgard said he has been appointed chairperson of the regional jail board, which includes for certain Walworth, Campbell, Corson, and Potter counties, and hoping to include Dewey and McPherson soon. The next jail board meeting is set for November 12th. The commissioners then passed a motion to have Sheriff Josh Boll, Lyle Perman, and Commissioner Holgard as representatives on the jail board for Walworth County. Commissioner Jim Houck made an amended motion to have the group include instead – Sheriff Boll, Jail Administrator Justin Jungwirth, and Commissioner Holgard, but the motion failed on a 3 to 2 roll call vote.
State’s Attorney Jamie Hare read a resolution concerning WEB water placing and maintaining pipelines through the county, and then the commissioners passed the resolution.
The next commission meeting is set for Thursday, November 5th.
Walworth County Commission meetings are open to the public and also live-streamed on YouTube.