The Walworth County Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday.
An alcoholic beverage renewal for the Campground Lounge was approved.
A previously approved motion to advertise for a $214,00 supplement transfer from the jail budget to the sheriff’s 2021 budget was rescinded. According to Walworth County Auditor Rebecca Krein that amount of money is not available to transfer, and the year needs to be stated 2020. The commission then approved a motion to advertise to transfer a supplement from the jail budget to the sheriff budget with the amount of $150,000.
A resolution regarding salaries for the jail employees was revised for salary amounts and wording of “jailers” to “transport officers” and “jail nurse” to “inmate nurse”, effective December 3rd.
Discussion came up on county road maintenance because of a request from the Anderbergs of Mobridge for reimbursement for snow removal in 2018. Highway Superintendent Gary Byre…
The commission tabled the issue to January.
A utility easement with Daryl and Diane Thompson was approved. The Thompsons intend to tap on to a private line and utilize the county system right of way.
Aaron Fiedler was recommended as a new highway operator, and approved by the commission.
A motion passed to authorize the highway superintendent to circulate the D3WM culvert survey results to the landowners.
Landfill supervisor Becky Krein will contact the city of Mobridge regarding the recycling center in Mobridge. Krein told the commission that the owner of current building has other plans for the location and the recycling equipment must be removed by January 1st.
A motion to sign the 2021 joint agreement with NECOG was approved.
The Walworth County Commission will meet again on December 15th.