The Fort Pierre City Council has approved utility rate increases for next year.
City finance officer Roxanne Heezen says customers will see a $1.90 increase in the overall utility base rate.
The customer charge for residential, small commercial customer single phase, small commercial customer three phase and large commercial electric users will each increase by 50 cents.
The base rate for water users within Fort Pierre city limits increased 50 cents while the second tier and third tier rates each went up 25 cents per 1000 gallons used. The base rate for water users outside of the Fort Pierre city limits increased 75 cents and the second tier and third tier rates each went up by 25 cents per 1000 gallons.
The minimum monthly fee for residential and non-residential customers within city limits will change from $25.60 to $26.50. The residential and non-residential rate outside of city limits goes from $38.40 to $39.75. In addition to the monthly fee, residential and non-residential customers in town will be charged $2.50 per 1000 gallons used.