Electric companies in the central United States are asking customers to do what they can to reduce demand on the overloaded power grid– and you may be able to conserve without noticing a change.
Information from Bright Energy Solutions says 75% of the electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while they are turned off.
To avoid “phantom loads,” MRES recommends unplugging items such TVs, phone chargers, DVD players, etc.
Other energy conservation tips include:
turn your thermostat down a few degrees
delay the use of large appliances
turn off unnecessary lights
make sure your attic access is tightly sealed and well insulated
use caulk to seal cracks in the rim joist where basement walls meet the ceiling
seal gaps where plumbing and wiring pass through basement walls or ceilings leading to the outside or into the floor above
unplug battery chargers when the batteries are fully charged or the chargers are not in use
limit showers to 10 minutes or less
microwave ovens use 50% less energy than conventional ovens, so heat food in the microwave instead of on the range top or in the oven