The Pierre School District wasted no time in coordinating a COVID-19 vaccine clinic for students after the US Food and Drug Administration authorized use of the Pfizer vaccine for youth ages 12 to 15 years this week (May 11, 2021).
The vaccine was approved for people 16 years and older last month (April).
Supt. Dr. Kelly Glodt says the school is collaborating with Avera to host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic for students ages 12-18 Monday (May 17) from 4-7pm at the Georgia Morse Middle School cafeteria. He says the clinic provides an opportunity to protect children during summer activities and before the start of the next school year.
Students born on or before May 17, 2009, are eligible to participate.
Parents of vaccine recipients must fill out a health insurance form and may accompany their children to the clinic, but it’s not required. Students under the age of 18 must provide a signed screening form with parental or guardian consent to be vaccinated.
Vaccine appointments are encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome.
The COVID-19 vaccine is available at no cost. The administration of the vaccine is covered 100% by all health insurance providers. If you don’t have health insurance, the cost is covered by the federal government.