We are going to get a second chance to try the Olympic Games. The summer games are by far my favorite because there are so many fun events. One of my favorites to watch is swimming! This year the Olympic committee has decided to add three new events. One of which is causing a lot of buzz on the internet is the Mixed Medley Relay! This is where there are two men and two women on a team according to the Tokoy 2020 website. They each will do a leg of 100 meters. They can choose who does the backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle. They are competing agisting other teams that are consisting of the same make-up. This will be super interesting to see because men and women can and will be competing against each other at the same time for the fastest time. I personally can’t wait to see this event in action. Here’s a TikTok video I came across that explains it a little better. Let me know what you think!
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