At this time last summer, the world looked so different. We were on lockdown and liquor sales were through the roof. Many of my friends turned to alcohol to kill the extra time they had. A lot of them got into Hard Seltzers as the pandemic progressed. I’ve noticed more events are happening and more people are out in general. I’m planning on going to like 10 concerts! That is actually impacting one industry.
According to MarketWatch, the sales and consumption of Hard Seltzers are down right now. They are seeing that more folks are eating at restaurants and bars. Nowadays more restaurants and bars are carrying Hard Seltzers, but not as many as a liquor store does. This article does say the industry isn’t too worried about the impact yet. They are also hoping with concerts and sports being in full swing that more venues will start carrying their products. I found this article to be very interesting. We’ll see what happens!