I haven’t been to the movies in forever. One of my favorite parts is the popcorn! To be honest, my favorite snack right now is popcorn, I just do it without the butter to be healthier. I was scrolling on TikTok and found another useful video. This lady is a genius. When you put butter on popcorn, it usually only stays on the top. She asked for a straw. She then put it in her popcorn to get the butter to different levels of the bag. You just have to make sure the staw matches up with the butter spout and then move the straw around to spread the love. If you don’t believe me check out this video! Seriously, this woman should win an award for sharing this hack! Like why didn’t we think of this sooner!
@colleenlepp Popcorn hack! #movietheater #movietok #movietheaterpopcorn #movietheaterhacks #popcorn #popcornhack #butterpopcorn #butterlover #amctheaters #amc