Some say that your high school years are the best years of your life. Other’s say College and then there are those that say adulting is amazing. It’s definitely different for everyone. YouGov did a poll and has found that most folks think their 30’s are the best years of their lives. I’m 26 right now and I’ve heard your 30’s are the best from so many people including my parents. They said by then you semi have this adulting thing figured out and you have money to do fun things. You have also found some great friends. I know my 20’s were rough for me, but I’m hoping 30’s are way better. Here’s the breakdown of what folks said was the best time of their life! Do you agree with these findings?
Under 20- 6%
20’s- 21%
30’s- 24%
40’s- 15%
50’s- 9%