South Dakota producers planted 6.00 million acres of corn for all purposes, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. This is up 21% from last year. Of the total acres, 94% were planted with biotechnology varieties, down 1 percentage point from 2020. Area to be harvested for grain is estimated at 5.55 million acres, up 23% from a year ago.
Soybean planted acreage is estimated at 5.50 million acres, up 11% from last year. Of these, 94% were planted with genetically modified, herbicide resistant seed, down 1 percentage point from 2020. Producers expect to harvest 5.45 million acres, up 11% from a year ago.
Winter wheat planted last fall is estimated at 780,000 acres, up 24% from a year ago. Harvested area is expected to total 680,000 acres, up 13% from last year. Other spring wheat planted area is estimated at 730,000 acres, down 5% from a year earlier. Harvested acreage is expected to total 700,000 acres, down 8% from a year ago.
Oil sunflower planted area is estimated at 460,000 acres, down 19% from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 440,000 acres, down 21% from a year ago. Non-oil sunflower planted area is estimated at 35,000 acres, down 33% from the previous year. Harvested area is estimated at 33,000 acres, down 35% from the previous year.
Sorghum planted for all purposes is estimated at 250,000 acres, up 19% from the previous year. Area to be harvested for grain is estimated at 210,000 acres, up 31% from last year.
Oats planted for all purposes is estimated at 210,000 acres, down 32% from last year. Area to be harvested for grain is estimated at 80,000 acres, down 43% from last year.
Barley producers planted a record low 25,000 acres, down 29% from last year. Area to be harvested for grain is estimated at 15,000 acres, up 7% from last year.
Safflower planted, at 17,000 acres is up 10% from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 15,500 acres, up 15% from the previous year.
Proso millet planted, at 95,000 acres, is up 76% from last year. Harvested acreage will be released in January 2022 in the Crop Production Summary.
Dry edible pea planted acreage is estimated at 14,000 acres, down 52% from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 12,000 acres, down 57% from the previous year.
Alfalfa acreage to be harvested for dry hay is estimated at 1.60 million acres, down 11% from last year. Other hay acreage to be cut for dry hay is estimated at 1.15 million acres, down 8% from a year ago.
The estimates of planted and harvested acreages in this news release are based primarily on surveys conducted during the first two weeks of June.