The Central Plains Water Development District is giving Pierre $50,000 to use toward engineering costs and inspection fees for the city’s wastewater treatment plant project.
Pierre is currently modernizing the city’s decades-old wastewater treatment equipment and processes. The $15.3 million project got started this summer and will result in a more efficient processing plant.
Mayor Steve Harding says wastewater treatment is an essential utility with the city processing about 1.5 million gallons of wastewater each day. He says modernizing the process means they can provide more efficient and reliable service for Pierre residents.
The Central Plains Water Development District is a member of the South Dakota Rural Water Association. Its mission is to provide assistance for economic development, irrigation, water conservation, water supply, lake restoration, recreation, flood control, watershed management, erosion control and water quality through water system development. The District includes Faulk, Hughes, Hyde, Sully and Potter counties.