First Thursdays activities that were to be held this evening (Sept. 2, 2021) from 5:30-8pm at Fischers Lilly Park in Fort Pierre have been cancelled due to the wet weather. Plans are underway for the next First Thursday. Mark your calendar now for Thursday, October 7th and plan to join in on an evening of fun at Fischers Lilly Park. More information about activities to be included will be shared as it becomes available.
Activities and informational booths that were to be included were:
music provided by the DRG Media Group’s Dakota Cruiser starting at 5:30pm
Vintage Square will sell a meal of burgers, chips and cookies
American Legion selling beverages
kids activities at the South Dakota Discovery Center, YMCA, The Right Turn and Stanley County Gold Program booths
face painting fundraiser for the Capital City Farmers Market
snow cone fundraiser to buy playground equipment for the Stanley County Fairgrounds
Fort Pierre Tourism will have a booth with information about an upcoming project to build an All-Season Fish Cleaning Station.
story time by Rawlins Library
Master Gardeners
Get information from the state Department of Human Resources booth
Play Plinko with the Capital Area Pickleball Association
Free wagon rides with Willie Cowan
Picnic tables will be available, but people are encouraged to bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on. The last Fort Pierre First Thursdays event of the year will be Oct. 7.
Find more information on the Fort Pierre First Thursdays Facebook page.