If you have a card to check out products from the Rawlins Municipal Library in Pierre, it’s time to renew it.
Those who live in Pierre and Fort Pierre receive complimentary cards. Non-resident library cards cost $35 annually. However, this month (Sept.), those who live in Hughes or Stanley Counties, but outside of Pierre or Fort Pierre, can receive a free card by completing a brief form. The $35 cost is covered by a donation from former Pierre resident Clark Stone.
Library director Robin Schrupp says Rawlins offers more than 159,000 books, ebooks, digital magazines and other materials for research and entertainment. The library’s portfolio of products and services includes, test proctoring, movies and Ancestry.com. Gale Courses –free online curriculum ranging from accounting to photography to interior design– are also available.
Each year, more than 150,000 people visit the library with an average daily count of more than 430 patrons. It also offers programs for readers of all ages.
For more information about library programs and activities visit, rawlinslibrary.org.