Here some more interesting Food Facts. Compiled by
• Why Toothpaste Messes with Taste Buds – Pretty much everyone knows not to drink orange juice after brushing your teeth, but most people don’t realize that the reason O.J. tastes sour after toothpaste is because the sodium laureth sulfate that makes toothpaste foam also blocks taste buds’ ability to perceive sweetness.
• Why Honey Lasts Forever – Archaeologists have found completely edible pots of honey dating back thousands of years in Egyptian tombs. Why? Its chemical makeup of hydrogen peroxide, acidity levels, and lack of water creates a perfect storm for a long lasting treat!
• Why Spicy Foods Make You Happy – Spicy peppers make you smile! When we eat spicy foods, like jalapeños or other capsaicin-filled peppers, our bodies release endorphins to minimize the burning sensation produced by the chemical.
• Why Chocolate is an Aphrodisiac – You could literally be falling in love with your chocolate. Chocolate contains theobromine, which increases heart rate and creates feelings of arousal.