Men are animals. But they turn into bigger animals when they watch sports. According to a study (University of Valencia in Spain and VU University Amsterdam in the Netherlands), guys actually become even more guy-like while watching their beloved teams compete. Blame steroids. The natural kinds, that is. During games, two hormones — testosterone and cortisol — increase within the bodies of sports boosters, especially “dedicated, young, male fans.” Of course, you hardly need instant replay to feel your testosterone tide rise as the big game unfolds. Your eyes widen. Your pulse quickens. You prepare to holler — or curse. Here’s what you didn’t know: that testosterone stream is part of a hormone secretion dubbed the “challenge hypothesis.” This, the study’s authors say, is how humans internally “prepare for the game.”
Why do guys get amped up watching football?
Apr 20, 2022 | 6:18 AM