The Hughes County Commission meets this evening (May 2, 2022) at 5:30pm at the Hughes County Courthouse in Pierre. Among the items on their agenda are:
States Attorney Update
Consider Bridge Bids
Advanced Correctional Healthcare Contract Amendment
The public may attend the meeting in person or access it remotely. Call (667) 770-1890 and enter Access code: 5534266. Please mute your phone when you are not addressing the Commission.
The full agenda is below.
Hughes County Commission Agenda May 2, 2022
4:30 PM Equalization Board: WalMart, continued.
5:30 PM County Commission Meeting
Invocation and Pledge
Approve Agenda
Conflict of Interest: Declare any conflicts for any agenda item
Approve April 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes and Equalization Boards Minutes
Special Business:
Public Hearing:
Old Business:
New Business:
States Attorney Update
Property Tax Abatement
Equalization Update
Veterans Service Update
Joint Powers Agreement for Rumble Strip Project
Consider Road Striping Agreement
Consider Bridge Bids
Planning & Zoning:
- Plat of Lots 2R & 3, Capital Welding Addition NE NE Sec 11 and SE SE Sec 2 110-79. In the Extra-Territorial jurisdiction
- First Reading: McCarty Tract 1 plat and rezone to PUD. NW Section 25 112-80
- First Reading: Tract 1 Lake Sharpe Substation Addition plat and rezone to PUD. SE NE Section 4 109-75
Jail Water Heater
Advanced Correctional Healthcare Contract Amendment
Brodzki Jacobs H-2B Retainer Agreement
Approve Verified Claims
County Manager Report
Liaison Reports
Public Comment (Limited to 3 minutes per person)
Executive Session: Personnel SDCL 1-25-2(1)