At Friday’s (June 10th) meeting of the Walworth County Commission, Commissioner Scott Schilling took issue with the salary of Landfill bookkeeper Penny Goetz, saying it is too high and not right.
County Auditor Deb Kahl will look back through meeting minutes to find where Goetz’s salary was approved by the commission when she was hired.
Sheriff Josh Boll talked about the jail study meetings being held in Pierre, and that it is highly recommended by the legislators that commissioners attend those meetings or at least listen to the recordings.
Commissioner Schilling told Sheriff Boll that he’s received calls from the Glenham area about paved county roads not being patrolled for speeding. Boll thanked Schilling for the information, and reminded the board that there are only two sheriff department staff out there right now responding to all calls, and they are doing the best they can to be everywhere.
For the highway department the commission gave permission for the auditor to advertise for a hearing for private work on county roads if a letter of request is received by the county.
Watch video of the meeting: