HIGHLIGHTS: A lawyer in India got shortchanged by 25 cents for some train tickets in 1999. So he sued and finally just won the case 22 years and 120 court hearings later. They have to pay him the 25 cents, plus interest . . . so just over $3 total. A judge also made them pay an extra $188 for the hassle of it all.
FULL STORY: Have you ever uttered this phrase? “I don’t care about the money, it’s the PRINCIPAL of it.” If so, this guy’s your new hero . . .
A 66-year-old lawyer in India just won a lawsuit he filed 22 years ago. And the amount of money he was fighting over was . . . a QUARTER. (???) (His name is Tungnath Chaturvedi. Here’s a photo.)
Back in 1999, he bought two train tickets for a short trip through northern India. Combined, they only cost 70 rupees, or about 88 cents. So he gave the train station cashier a 100-rupee note, and they shortchanged him.
He only got 10 rupees back when they should have given him 30. But when he told the cashier, they refused to give him the rest. So he sued the train company for 20 rupees, or 25 cents.
Over the past 22 years, he’s gone to 120 court hearings over it. Even his family begged him to drop it. But he didn’t, and a judge finally just ruled in his favor. The company has to pay him the 25 cents, plus 12% interest a year . . . so, $3.03.
He actually did a little better than that. The judge also ordered the company to pay him an extra $188 in fines. So he’s really getting around 190 bucks. (BBC)