The South Dakota Transportation Commission has awarded $2.4 million in Preliminary Engineering Bridge Improvement Grants during its meeting last week (Aug. 25, 2022) in Pierre.
Grant recipients are: Aurora County (2), Beadle County (2), city of Belle Fourche (1), city of Bristol (1), Brookings County (3), city of Brookings (1), Butte County (2), Custer County (1), Day County (1), Grant County (2), Hand County (1), Hanson County (3), Hughes County (2), Hutchinson County (2), Lake County (1), Lincoln County (4), Lyman County (1), Meade County (4), city of Mitchell (1), city of Rapid City (1), Sanborn County (1), Sully County (3), Tripp County (2), Turner County (1) and Yankton County (1).
Forty-five applications totaling $2.47 million in total costs were received by the South Dakota Department of Transportation. Six cities submitted six applications and 20 counties submitted 39 applications.
Local governments are required to pay a minimum of 20% matching funds and have three years to expend the grant. Counties must have a wheel tax and a five-year Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan to receive a grant.
Joel Jundt, Secretary of Transportation, says the BIG program continues to be crucial for the preservation, rehabilitation and replacement of local government structures. He says the goal is to enhance the overall condition of these critical structures providing the link that drives the interconnectedness of our state’s overall transportation system.
The BIG program was created in 2015 and sets aside $7 million per year from funds generated by license plate fees to be used to repair and replace aging local bridges. The Transportation Commission added an additional $26 million this year, making $33 million available.
Applications for the next round of the BIG program are due Jan. 2, 2023, for the Preservation and Replacement categories.