The Indian Museum of North America® at Crazy Horse Memorial® has begun its annual call to artists for the Cultural Programs applications for the 2023 season. Native American artists, performers, and culture bearers looking for opportunities to exhibit, enhance, and share their artistic talents and cultural knowledge are encouraged to apply.
Applications are available for five programs: Artist in Residence, Living Treasures Indian Arts Cultural Exchange, Gift from Mother Earth Art Show and Sale, daily and special event Native American Performers and Storytellers, and the Talking Circle Speaker Series.
From May through September, Crazy Horse Memorial offers a unique venue for Cultural Program participants to share living culture with an international audience in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Many of the programs provide a stipend and meals with the possibility of travel and lodging assistance.
Programs are available for enrolled tribal members of the indigenous peoples of North America.
The Indian Museum of North America welcomed over 100 Cultural Programs participants in 2022 who shared their knowledge and culture to hundreds of thousands of visitors.
To apply, applications and more program information can be found at https://crazyhorsememorial. org/visit/special-events/.
For more information, please visit and follow The Indian Museum of North America® on all social media or contact Travis Dewes, Cultural Programs Manager at culturalprograms@crazyhorse. org or phone 605-673-4681.
For any questions or general information about the Crazy Horse Memorial, please contact Amanda Allcock at 605-673-4681 or email her at Amanda.Allcock@crazyhorse. org.
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