The Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce’s nominating committee has chosen a slate of board member candidates for 2023.
The proposed 2023 Executive Board will consist of Board Chair Jodie Hickman-Anderson (Strategic Association Services), Vice Chair Jessica Mefferd (Mefferd Agency, Farmers Union Insurance), Secretary, Scott Neu (Reinke Gray Wealth Management), Treasurer Jaymason Bramblee (Oahe Federal Credit Union) and Past Chair Aaron Fabel (Oahe Family YMCA).
Nominations for the three-year terms include: Jill Janecke (Rising Hope Counseling), Shay Jolley (Bankwest) and Mary Duvall (South Dakota Association of Cooperatives).
Incoming Board Chair, Jodie Hickman-Anderson, will appoint Roby Bass (Pierre Closets), Amy Davids (The Paint Store Too), and John Morris (Morris, Inc.) to each serve a one-year term.
Any additional chamber member in good standing who is interested in submitting his or her name for consideration for a position on the Chamber Board of Directors can do so by submitting a statement of willingness to serve to the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce (800 W Dakota Ave; Pierre, SD 57501). Such statements shall be forwarded to the nominating committee no later than Nov. 10, 2022. His or her name will be added to the ballot and voted on by all members represented at the annual meeting that will be held on Nov. 17, 2022, from 11:30am–1pm. The nominees receiving the majority of the votes shall be declared elected to the Board of Directors. Should a tie occur, the nominating committee shall cast the deciding vote. In the event no other chamber member submits his or her name, the nominated slate will become the 2023 chamber board.
Newly elected and appointed board members shall be seated at the January 2023 board meeting and shall be considered participating members until their term ends.
The Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors wants to extend a special thank Meredith Lee (Lee Real Estate), Steve Bass (Delta Dental) and Ty Kinneberg (Bankwest) for their time as members of the board and commitment to the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce.