This week (Dec. 4-5, 2022), over 600 South Dakota FFA members, advisors and supporters were in Pierre for the State FFA Leadership Development Events.
Stanley County FFA member Grace Sargent competed in Extemporaneous Speaking. The contest involves students pulling one of a variety of different topics out of a hat, then preparing a speech on that topic.
Audio PlayerJourney Schnee and Xander Schmitgen were on the Pierre FFA Chapter’s Ag Issues team.
Audio PlayerColden Kramer with the Philip FFA Chapter is the District 5 Sentinel.
Audio PlayerBobbi Eide of the Gettysburg FFA Chapter competed in Creed Speaking and Prepared Public Speaking. Her prepared speech topic was carbon sequestration.
Audio PlayerThis is the first year the Leola School District had an FFA Chapter. 8th grader Stella Rath and 7th grader Teagan Weiszhaar are two of the inaugural members.
Audio PlayerSouth Dakota FFA Foundation Board President Sandy Osterday says their roll is to do the fundraising for the state FFA Organization. She says many of their Star Partners took part in a Career Fair during the two-day event.
Audio PlayerState-winning teams and individuals advance to the National FFA Leadership Development Events in Indianapolis next fall.

Photo credit DRG Media Group.

Photo credit DRG Media Group.

Photo credit DRG Media Group.