While some state government executive branch offices in South Dakota are closed again today (Dec. 15, 2022), employees will be working remotely. Officials continue to monitor the storm and a decision on state government office availability for tomorrow will be made sometime today.
State government executive offices in South Dakota that are open today (Dec. 15, 2022) are:
- In the southeastern part of the state, offices will open in Brookings, Lake, Miner, and Moody Counties;
- In the western part of the state, offices will open in Custer and Fall River Counties, as well as in the western portion of Pennington County (including Hill City, Keystone, and Rapid City).
- Offices will remain open in Bon Homme, Clay, Hanson, Hutchinson, Lincoln, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, Union, and Yankton Counties.
Citizens in parts of South Dakota where road conditions are still treacherous are encouraged to stay home today, if possible. If they must travel, they should check sd511.org or the SD511 mobile app.

Photo credit South Dakota Department of Transportation.