Walworth County Commissioner Kevin Holgard had asked that discussion be put on the Commissioners’ Thursday (January 19th) agenda regarding the criminal enforcement operation held January 13th, the night of the rules meeting for the Fishing Tournament. Holgard said he had received calls about it and wondered why no one in Mobridge seemed to know about the operation. Corson County Deputy Sheriff and K9 Handler Mike Varilek told the Commission that Mobridge officers were involved and that county boards do not need to be notified.
Varilek also defended Walworth County Sheriff Josh Boll’s decisions in the operation of his office.
Also during Thursday’s meeting, the Commissioners agreed to Sheriff Boll’s request to use the Extension Office in the Courthouse as additional space for the Sheriff’s office. Commissioner Justin Jungwirth said the back office by the back door will then become the 4-H office.
Under New Business, Commission Chairman Jim Houck asked Auditor Deb Kahl to advertise for a Highway Superintendent.