HIGHLIGHTS: A 66-year-old retired woman in Texas has had dozens of men show up at her door looking for sexual relations, and she’s tired of it. She says that her address somehow got connected to a scam on a naughty website.
FULL STORY: A 66-year-old retired woman in North Texas named Elaine can’t get men to STOP from showing up at her house . . . for sexual relations. And no, this isn’t a humble brag . . . these are UNWELCOME VISITORS.
Elaine says the men have been showing up for the past year at all times of the day and night. There have been at least 25 of them . . . they’re young, they’re old, they’re local, they’ve traveled a long distance . . . all kinds of men.
She says she’s figured out that her address is being used by a scam. It sounds like a naughty website gets the men to pay through Venmo for various services, and then they give them HER address.
She says, “They say they’re here for an appointment, for ‘Nikki.’ Some say, for ‘Kelly,’ some are for ‘Nikki,’ and now it’s ‘Rhonda.'” And while it’s VERY irritating, Elaine is not afraid of confronting the men and threatening them.
She says she appreciates that the local police are quick to respond when she calls, but they won’t do anything other than shoo the men off. She’s hoping that the authorities will go after the scam that’s sending the men . . . and SOON.