If you’re feeling negative energy at home, you might open up some windows . . . add some plants . . . or just take a relaxing bath. (Or do what I do, and sit on the couch and scarf down a box of Cheez-Its.) (???)
There’s a 37-year-old woman in Utah named Crystal Moss who took a more aggressive approach. She was arrested over the weekend, after setting a fire in her apartment building that spread and completely burned six units. Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt.
She told police she “intentionally used a Bic lighter to ignite a tree of life, which was placed inside a cauldron near her bedroom closet.” It was taking a while, so she also poured a bottle of alcohol on it to speed up the process.
She said she was trying “to burn away the negative energy, sadness, and pain in her life.”
She was booked into the Salt Lake County Jail on arson charges . . . likely bringing a new level of negative energy, sadness, and pain into her life.