HIGHLIGHTS: Amanda Bynes is on a psychiatric hold after calling 9-1-1 on herself while walking the streets of L.A. naked. She also dropped out of last weekend’s ’90s Con due to an unspecified illness.
FULL STORY: Amanda Bynes has been placed on a psychiatric hold after walking the streets of downtown L.A. early Sunday morning . . . NAKED. (!!!)
According to an eyewitness, Amanda waved a car down and told them she was coming down from a psychotic episode. Then she called 9-1-1 on herself.
Luckily, she’s not hurt and she’s currently hospitalized receiving care.
(Typically a hold lasts three days, but can be extended.)
Amanda was supposed to appear at ’90s Con last weekend in Connecticut, but dropped out because of an undisclosed illness.
Her ex-fiancé Paul Michael said she stopped taking her meds and that she’s “wild”.