The Fort Pierre City Council meets this evening (April 17, 2023) in the South Dakota Municipal League building (208 Island Drive). Items on their agenda include:
Arbor Day Proclamation
Approve Engineering Proposal for Water Storage Project
Medical Cannabis License Renewals-Bad River Farms-Cultivation; Bad River Cannabis-Dispensary
The public may attend the meeting in person or access it remotely. To access it:
using Zoom on a computer or smartphone app, enter meeting ID: 814 124 6625
by phone, call 1-312-626-6799, then enter meeting ID: 814 124 6625
MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2023 @ 6:30 PM CT
1. Call to Order
Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Conflict of Interest Declarations
4. Reports
- Mayor
- Finance Officer
- Public Works Director
- Other
5. Consent Calendar
- Minutes: 4/3/23 Council Meeting
6. Public Hearing
7. New Business
a. Arbor Day Proclamation
b. 2023 Tax Abatement-Elick Hawk-loss due to fire
c. Approve Pay Request #7 Sharpe-Lagoon Improvement Project
d. Approve Engineering Proposal for Water Storage Project
e. Set Public Hearing for Temp Liquor License-Pat Duffy Community Center at SC Fairgrounds-5/6/23
f. Set Public Hearing for Temp Liquor License-Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center at SC Fairgrounds-6/3/23
g. Authorize signing of Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Designated Entity Contract
h. Medical Cannabis License Renewals-Bad River Farms-Cultivation; Bad River Cannabis-Dispensary
i. Set Public Hearing for Transfer – Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine
j. Set Public Hearing for Transfer – Retail (on-off sale) Wine
8. Public Comments (Public Comments will offer the opportunity for anyone not listed on the agenda to speak to the council. Speaking time could be limited to 3 minutes. No action will be taken on questions or items not on the agenda.
9. Approval of Claims
10. Executive Session: per SDCL 1-25-2 (1) Personnel; (3) Legal/Contractual Matters; (5) Marketing/Pricing Strategies; (6) Protection of Public or Private Persons or Property
11. Adjournment
Note-Pending Business: (1) Marion’s Garden Dredging Agreement; (2) Electric Dept Vehicle Purchase-State Contract $43,227 10/17/22; (3) Mower Purchase-1/17/23; (4) Snow Blower & Attachment Purchase-1/17/23; (5) Radio & Repeater Purchase- 1/17/23; (6) RFP for Water System Improvements Engineering-1/17/23; (7) Proposal for Stack Testing at Gen Station 3/6/23; (8) Authorization to Purchase Reconditioned Voltage Regulator for Substation-$13,227 T&R Electric 3/6/23; (9) Authorization to
Advertise for 2023 Street Projects; (10) Authorization to Purchase Electric 2015 F350 Pickup w/Crane from Pierre-$42,000.