The Fort Pierre City Council meets this evening (May 1, 2023) in the South Dakota Municipal League building (208 Island Drive). Items on their agenda include:
Tree Removal and Replacement Plan
Agreement with the Dept. of the Army for Comprehensive Water Resource Plan
Agreement with Central SD Enhancement for Admin Assistance for Water Storage SRF Project
The public may attend the meeting in person or access it remotely. To access it:
using Zoom on a computer or smartphone app, enter meeting ID: 814 124 6625
by phone, call 1-312-626-6799, then enter meeting ID: 814 124 6625
MONDAY, MAY 15, 2023 @ 6:30 PM
1. Call to Order
Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Conflict of Interest Declarations
4. Reports
Finance Officer
Public Works Director
5. Consent Calendar
Minutes: 5/1/23 Council Meeting; 5/4/23 Special Meeting; Open Container Permits: Elise Bunkers at Pat Duffy Community Center-
6/3/23-Wedding; Josie Kennedy at Fairgrounds-9/30/23-Wedding; Paul Marso at Pat Duffy Community Center-7/19/23-SDSU
Alumni Social
6. Public Hearing
7. New Business
a. Tree Removal and Replacement Plan
b. 2023 Communications Site Lease
c. Agreement with the Dept of the Army for Comprehensive Water Resource Plan
d. Agreement with Central SD Enhancement for Admin Assistance for Water Storage SRF Project
e. Set Public Hearing for Temp Liquor Lic-Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center 6/8
f. Set Public Hearing for Retail (on-off sale) Wine and Cider-Tigers Tap
g. Set Public Hearing for Retail (on-off sale) Wine and Cider-Westside Bar
h. 2023-2024 Malt Bev License & SD Farm Wine License Renewals
i. Personnel-Part-Time/Summer Staff
j. Personnel-Assistant Public Works Director
k. SD DSS Vocational Rehab Work Program-Parks Employee
8. Public Comments (Public Comments will offer the opportunity for anyone not listed on the agenda to speak to the council.
Speaking time could be limited to 3 minutes. No action will be taken on questions or items not on the agenda.)
9. Approval of Claims
10. Executive Session: per SDCL 1-25-2 (1) Personnel; (3) Legal/Contractual Matters; (5) Marketing/Pricing Strategies; (6) Protection of
Public or Private Persons or Property
11. Adjournment
Note-Pending Business: (1) Marion’s Garden Dredging Agreement; (2) Electric Dept Vehicle Purchase-State Contract $43,227
10/17/22; (3) Mower Purchase-1/17/23; (4) Radio & Repeater Purchase-1/17/23; (5) Proposal for Stack Testing at Gen Station
3/6/23; (6) Authorization to Purchase Reconditioned Voltage Regulator for Substation-$13,227 T&R Electric 3/6/23