MAY 19, 2023:
The Horse Nations Indian Relay Council starts its 2023 racing season this weekend (May 20-21, 2023) at the Stanley County Fairgrounds in Fort Pierre.
Mayor Gloria Hanson spoke with event organizers earlier this week and was told response from relay race teams has been strong.
Fort Pierre isn’t the only stop the teams make in South Dakota. They will compete in the Run with the Warriors at Pine Ridge Aug. 5-6, 2023, and in Lower Brule Aug. 12-13, 2023.
Admission is $20 per person on Saturday and $25 per person on Sunday.
Tickets can be purchased in advance.
Around 50 teams competed in the 2022 Championship of Champions in Fort Pierre. This year’s Championship will be run in Casper, WY, in September (Sept. 22-24, 2023).
For more information, go to
MARCH 20, 2023:
Last year (2022), the Horse Nations Indian Relay Council finished its racing season in Fort Pierre and this year they’ll begin their season in Fort Pierre.
Stanley County Fairgrounds Manager Scott Deal says the season opener will be held in May at the fairgrounds.
Fort Pierre isn’t the only stop the teams make in South Dakota. They will compete in the Run with the Warriors at Pine Ridge Aug. 5-6, 2023, and in Lower Brule Aug. 12-13, 2023.
Around 50 teams competed in the 2022 Championship of Champions in Fort Pierre. This year’s Championship will be run in Casper, WY (Sept. 22-24, 2023).
For more information, go to