At Wednesday’s (Aug. 9th) Mobridge City Council meeting, the council approved the city’s contribution to a Wellmark grant for improvements at the East Play Park. Mobridge City Finance Officer Heather Beck said this will be a 2024 project and will be budgeted next year. The motion passed by the council includes the city contributing $10,000 “in kind” and $70,000 cash, contingent on no penalties being issued if the city is not able to meet the amount pledged. Beck said the grant will help make the park inclusive.
Council also approved the easements and release of easements with the golf course for the water tank construction project; and they approved an $11,250 deposit quote from Safe Slide to repaint a pool feature. Total cost of the project will be $22,500. The Pool Committee will donate the funds to pay for it.
A public hearing was held and approval given for a temporary beverage permit for the Mobridge Pink Ladies’ upcoming event at the Scherr-Howe Event Center and north parking lot on September 30th.
Mobridge Police Chief Shawn Madison informed the Council that his department has been awarded a body camera grant for just under $10,000.
Wage increases and employee positions were approved in both the Police and Water/Wastewater Departments.
The Mobridge City Council plans a board retreat on August 23rd and a special city council meeting on August 28th.