Weather permitting, the City of Pierre will begin its 2023 chip seal operation this week (Aug. 21-25, 2023).
The chip seal process is used to preserve roads, mitigate weather-related damage and ultimately extend the life of road surfaces. The process includes the use of oil and loose rocks that can stick to cars, shoes and pets.
Jeff Runyan, city Construction and Operations Manager, says until the chip seal has dried, motorists should consider alternate routes and pedestrians should avoid the treated surface.
Pierre will place “No Parking” signs in construction areas prior to road work. Because chip sealing is a rolling operation, traffic disruptions will be minimal. However, flaggers will be at impacted intersections to guide motorists through work zones.
The city will chip seal approximately 80 blocks of city street. That work is expected to take about three weeks. Once the chip sealing work is done, the city will fog seal those same streets. That work is expected to wrap up by the end of September.
The city maintains more than 80 miles of streets.