USDA Wednesday (Aug. 23, 2023) published a final rule on program integrity to ensure that child nutrition programs are properly operated and managed to protect federal funds and taxpayer dollars. The final rule impacts the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program, Summer Food Service Program, and Child and Adult Care Food Program.
The final rule introduces targeted flexibilities in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs that streamline monitoring requirements and lower administrative burdens for states. The rule also finalizes provisions in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, that have already been in place. The provisions streamline processes, provide additional resources, and increase accountability.
The rule also allows for more efficient use of state agency resources by ensuring that organizations at risk of serious management issues receive more frequent oversight, and that financial transactions are appropriately reviewed. USDA improved the ability to address the rare instances of severe or repeated violations of program requirements in the child nutrition programs.