U.S. Wheat Associates and the National Association of Wheat Growers thanked several lawmakers for introducing the American Farmers Feed the World Act of 2023 in the Senate.
The bipartisan legislation would restore the original intent of the Food for Peace program without spending additional farm bill resources. It also safeguards the interests of hard-working American farmers in providing food to those in need around the world. The wheat groups have joined the broader agriculture industry in backing the legislation.
“The American Feed the World Act of 2023 offers an important rebalancing to ensure that Food for Peace remains focused on effectively delivering as much American-grown food to as many people in need as possible,” says USW Director of Trade Policy Peter Laudeman.
“As Congress considers the new farm bill, this legislation provides an opportunity to revitalize the role of American agriculture in addressing global hunger,” says NAWG President Brent Cheyne.