October is National Bullying Prevention Month. According to the Midwest-based PACER organization, one in five students reports being bullied, and being targeted can directly affect their ability to learn.
Julie Hertzog leads PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center and says schools are being more proactive with anti-bullying messaging. But, she adds, they can take it a step further by fostering more unity within their buildings.
“It can be as simple as, if you’re doing an activity within a group, asking somebody else if they would like to join you or participate. So, any way that you can increase connection between each other makes communities healthier for everyone.”
Hertzog says over time, their work has helped dispel myths that words can’t hurt people and that experiencing bullying is just a part of growing up. She says a lot of kids know this behavior is not OK, but a lot of students are still likely to feel isolated, so recognizing them in a positive way is important.
“We talk a lot about the tenets of kindness, accepting each other for our differences.”
Hertzog notes social media remains a concern in trying to protect kids from hurtful actions by their peers. Whether a student is bullied online or at school, she says parents should let the child talk openly about it and how they feel about responding. She also advises parents to research their school’s harassment policy for guidance on how to proceed.