With no Public Works Director currently on staff, the City of Fort Pierre is struggling with how to move forward with various projects.
Last month (May 6, 2024), the city council voted 4-2 to reject the re-appointment of Rick Hahn to the job he’s held for the past several years. Prior to that vote, Alderman Larry Cronin asked to go into executive session to discuss personnel. After a nearly hour long executive session, Cronin made the motion and the council took its vote, essentially firing Hahn but also not elaborating on what problems they had with his job performance.
During this week’s meeting (June 3, 2024), Mayor Gloria Hanson said not having an engineer on staff is having a negative effect on city business.
Alderman Larry Cronin also suggested considering some options before moving forward with trying to hire a new Public Works Director.
To help in the meantime, the council approved a contract for engineering services with Brosz Engineering.
As a way to try to address code enforcement issues, a proposal to hire Code Enforcement Specialists, based in Burke was brought up again. The Council voted against using their services last year and citing concern about cost, Alderman Rick Cronin couldn’t support hiring them at this time.
The Fort Pierre City Council will discuss all of these matters further during upcoming meetings.