The contractor has begun (May 15, 2023) asphalt milling and paving operations on various segments of streets in Pierre.
No parking signs will be set up and area residents will receive flyers when work will be done on their street. When no parking signs up up, people should not park on the impacted streets between the hours of 7am and 7pm. Flagging personnel will be in place to direct traffic while activity is taking place on each street.
The following streets are scheduled for asphalt milling and overlay:
- Neltom (Lakeside Lane)
- Lakeside Lane (Neltom-Cul De Sac)
- Lakeside Lane (Neltom-Country Drive)
- Coteau (Missouri-Daktota)
- Seventh (Central-Grand)
- Prospect (Euclid-Sebree)
- Elizabeth (Lakewood-Pleasant)
- Fort (Missouri-Dakota)
- Fort (Island View-Missouri)
- Woodriver Quay (Lakewood- Cul De Sac)
- Filmore (Park-Dakota)
- Govenors Drive (Cabot-Broadway)
- Polk (Wells-Capitol)
- Washington (Capitol-Broadway)
All work is expected to be done by June 15, 2023.