Continuing the Transparency Online Initiative that began in April 2018, new public searches, previously only accessible at the Secretary of State’s office, are now available online.
Newspaper Ownership and Circulation Statements for the years 1999 through 2017 are newly available to search via the General Services section of the Secretary of State’s website. In order to maintain legal newspaper status, all newspapers within the state are required to publish and submit a sworn statement of ownership and circulation to the Secretary of State before January first of each year. Administrative Rules for state agencies from 1978 to present are now available. Administrative rules are officially promulgated agency regulations that have the force and effect of law. Generally, these rules elaborate the requirements of a law or policy. Also available are Local Bond Information Statements from 2000 to present. Every public body, authority or agency issuing any general obligation, revenue, improvements, industrial revenue, special assessment, or other bonds of any type shall file, with the Secretary of State, the information concerning each issue of bonds. In addition, the listing of all Farm/Ranch/Home Name Registrations has also been added to the Secretary of State’s website. These registered names cannot be used by another person for any other farm, ranch or home in the same county. This registration is perpetual and does not expire. Lastly, lobbyist and employer expense reports for 2002 through 2011 are newly available for public viewing via the Expense Report Lookup on the Lobbyist Registration Services page. Reports for 2012 through 2017 that were previously available online can also be accessed through the Expense Report Lookup. Expense reports for the current year are available through the search function on the same page. Secretary Krebs reminds all lobbyists and employers from the 2018 Legislative Session that the deadline for filing 2018 expense reports is July 1, 2018. Additional types of filings that are currently available at the Secretary of State’s office will soon be accessible online as the office continues to roll out this online initiative, including Executive Orders prior to 1995 and Executive Proclamations from 1984 to 2002. ### Links: |
SD Secretary of State's Office Furthers Transparency Online Initiative
By Diane Deis
Jun 4, 2018 | 7:44 AM