Large boxes, shoe boxes, and even just items that look like boxes — cats, it seems, can’t resist squeezing into cardboard spaces. Scientists say they haven’t fully understood why our feline friends have a love for boxes, but they have a number of theories. The most popular is that cats are instinctively drawn to boxes because they offer security and shelter from predators while they stalk their prey. A veterinarian in the Netherlands (Utrecht University) recently studied stress levels in shelter cats. She discovered that cats who had boxes got used to their new surroundings faster than those who didn’t because the boxes acted as a coping mechanism. Boxes also offer safe places for cats to take a nap. Felines can sleep for 18 to 20 hours a day, so seeking out a hidden place would help their chances of survival in the wild.
But it’s not just boxes. Cats appear to try to fit into any enclosed space such as drawers and shopping bags. Wired magazine claims that this may be because cats are trying to stay warm. Compared to humans, felines have a much better tolerance to higher temperatures. Small places are ideal insulators, which may explain while a cat will try and curl up in a shoe box.