The Fort Pierre City Council meets this evening at 6:30pm in the South Dakota Municipal League building (208 Island Drive). Items on their agenda include:
- department head updates
- Resolution 2022-01 2022 Salary and Wage Schedule
- Engineering for 2022 Street Projects
The public may attend the meeting in person or virtually. No video display will be used and votes will be recorded by roll call.
To listen to the meeting:
- using Zoom on a computer or smartphone app, enter meeting ID: 814 124 6625
- by phone, call 1-312-626-6799, then enter meeting ID: 814 124 6625
The full agenda is below.
Fort Pierre City Council regular meeting agenda for January 3, 2022, at 6:30pm
South Dakota Municipal League meeting room (208 Island Drive)
1. Call to Order
Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Conflict of Interest Declarations
4. Reports
a. Mayor
b. Finance Officer
c. Public Works Director
d. City Superintendent
e. Other
5. Consent Calendar
Minutes: 12/20/21 Council Meeting
6. Public Hearing
7. New Business
a. Proclamation-January 2022 Pierre-Fort Pierre Kiwanis Club Month
b. Resolution 2022-01 2022 Salary and Wage Schedule
c. 2022 Licenses: River Bottom Sanitation-Dray; Baldwin Electric-Electric
d. Pay App #1 – Sharpe Enterprises – Wastewater Treatment Improvements – $324,099.37
e. Set Publish Hearing on 1/18 for Temp Liquor License at Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center 1/21, 1/22, 2/1, 2/7
f. Personnel-Probationary Pay-Ed Kaelin
g. Engineering for 2022 Street Projects
h. Approval of Price Increase of $2900 (each) on Truck Purchases Previously Authorized
8. Public Comments (Public Comments will offer the opportunity for anyone not listed on the agenda to speak to the council. Speaking time could be limited to 3 minutes. No action will be taken on questions or items not on the agenda.)
9. Approval of Claims
10. Executive Session: per SDCL 1-25-2 (1) Personnel; (3) Legal/Contractual Matters; (5) Marketing/Pricing Strategies
11. Adjournment
Note-Pending Business: 2017-2018 & 2018-2019 MH Court License-DJK; (2) ROW Closure Permit-Alley between East 2nd Ave and
East 3rd Ave; (3) 2019-2020 Mobile Home Court Licenses; (4) Marion’s Garden Dredging Agreement; (5) Ord 1050 tabled 7/19/21;
(6) Ord 1051 tabled 7/19/21 (7) RFP for Engineering for Electric System Study authorized 11/1/21 (8) 2022 Purchase of Truck &
Trench box authorized ordering 11/1/21
Mayor: Gloria Hanson
Council: Todd Bernhard, Larry Cronin, Rick Cronin, Callie Iversen, Greg Kenzy, Carl Rathbun
Persons wishing to attend this meeting, who are in need of special accommodations, please notify the City Office at 605-223-7690 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting so the appropriate arrangements are available.