The annual District 3 Spring Meeting of the South Dakota American Legion will be held tomorrow (March 18, 2023) in Fort Pierre.
Legionnaires from Hughes, Hyde, Potter, Stanley, Sully, Gregory, Lyman, Tripp and Hand counties will attend.
There will be a social at 11am in the Fort Pierre Moose Lodge. A meal will be served at 11:30am, then the legion business meeting will begin at noon.
Participants will elect District Commanders and District Vice Commanders for two-year terms and County Commanders and Vice Commanders in the District for one-year terms during the business meeting.
The session will also feature Post Americanism reports, a membership turn-in, recognition of the District 3 Legionnaire of the Year and an address by State American Legion Commander Doug Feltman of Chamberlain.
District 3 Commander Gene Opbroek of Gregory will conduct the Legion business session and Fort Pierre Post 20 will oversee local arrangements.
The District 3 Auxiliary will hold its meeting at noon tomorrow as well.