State prison inmates are producing utility personal protective equipment for South Dakota Department of Corrections and Correctional Health staff members and workers in other governmental agencies.
Inmates in the Pheasantland Industries Garment Shop at the Mike Durfee State Prison in Springfield are producing cotton jersey face masks and nylon gowns. Inmates in several PI shops at the South Dakota State Penitentiary in Sioux Falls are producing reusable and disposable face shields. Inmates in the Print Shop laser cut clear plastic sheets to size for the face shields, the Upholstery Shop inmates make the elastic bands with foam and the Metal Shop workers apply the metal and rivets to the shields.
Director of Pheasantland Industries Stefany Bawek says they ordered enough materials to produce approximately 3,000 gowns, 6,000 masks, 300 reusable face shields and 1,000 disposable face shields.
Corrections Secretary Mike Leidholt says this is a perfect example of DOC staff, PI staff and those in custody at the prisons coming together to do what’s needed. He says he’s proud to lead an organization that maximizes resources and abilities to help out during this pandemic.
While these items made by PI are not approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the items can be used for emergency situations when no other option is available. The DOC does have supplies of equipment for staff, but there are national shortages of PPE which makes acquiring additional items difficult. Medical grade equipment needs to be reserved for medical staff for treatment and emergencies.
Photo credit: Pheasantland Industries