Last weekend I played in a softball tournament. I reapplied sunscreen like four times, but it didn’t work too well. I still ended up with a nice sunburn and some great tan lines. I had to tape my shoulder because I’m having issues with it and now I have tape marks left on it. With it being so hot all across the country, a lot of folks are turning to Google to find out how to treat sunburns. Some common articles that come up are from MedicalNews Today, AAD, and Women’s Health. They have five treatments that a lot of folks try. Let me know which ones have worked for you in the past.
- Shaving cream- I’ve never heard this one until today. They say that it will help with the inflammation, but it won’t heal the burn.
- Aloe- This is the one I’ve used my whole life. I use to ask my mom if I could have some of the blue stuff to help with my sunburn. I still use this stuff to this day to deal with sunburns.
- Vinegar- This one I don’t think will work too well because vinegar is acidic which you would think would cause it to burn more. They say apple cider vinegar is the best for healing.
- Lotion- You don’t want this to be an oil-based location. The oil will trap in the heat and cause it to hurt more! The lotion does help prevent peeling down the road which is a good thing!
- Coconut Oil- This can cause the heat to be trapped in the body and cause some pain, but it can be good later down the road.