The Walworth County Commissioners heard comments from county residents on the solar farm set back ordinance. Jason Berens told the commissioners that the mile setback is “outrageous” and he listed smaller setbacks in other counties. Berens would like the setbacks to be set at 1500 feet front door, 150 back door. Colton Berens mentioned his concerns with conservation and run-off issues with crops. Marlon Berens said the money that would come from the building of a solar farm will “reduce everyone’s taxes drastically”. Corey Eisemann thanked the commissioners for voting to put the setbacks where they currently are.
Audio PlayerPam Wells also thanked the commission and commented on Jason Berens’ statements on smaller setbacks.
Audio PlayerScheduling a date for a public hearing on the solar farm and set back ordinances will be put on the next agenda.
Also at Tuesday’s (December 5th) meeting, the commissioners heard from Walworth County Highway Superintendent Tom Hannan on Rural Access Infrastructure Funds spending. Hannon told the board that some new information has come to light, including finding that there is more money than originally thought for these funds that are used for small structures.
The commissioners approved the NECOG Joint Powers Agreement in the amount of $9,667.49.
An abatement was approved for a veteran’s exemption that had not been applied.
A public hearing for budget supplements was held and all were approved – for 911 services, courthouse repairs, prisoner boarding for adults and juveniles, and for jail dental and medical services.
Commission meeting 12/05/2023
Posted by Walworth County, Selby SD on Tuesday, December 5, 2023